- Educational Programs -

Awareness is the first step towards change.

At SC4CJR, we believe that education and awareness are the first steps towards improving our criminal justice system in South Carolina. Each SC4CJR program is carefully developed and taught by our trained and experienced team of lawyers, academics, educators, advocates, medical professionals, and formerly-incarcerated individuals. Our programs focus on various aspects of the criminal justice system and are catered to the needs of community members of all ages and backgrounds. Each program is offered in-person and virtually, and can be presented in both English and Spanish. Upon request, we also create customized programs that can meet your audience’s specific needs and interests. If you are interested in participating in, hosting, or learning more about our programs, please contact us at sc4cjr@gmail.com.

  1. Constitutional Rights Education Programs

    • “Know Your Rights! - Basic constitutional rights that everyone should know and when they apply.”

    • “Traffic Stops: What you need to know.”

    • “Warrants: What you need to know.”

    • “Gun Owners: Rights and regulations you need to know.”

    • “Protesting Do’s and Don’ts: How to lawfully exercise your first amendment right.”

    • “Do you mind if I search you?: Stop and frisk laws and rights.”

    • “DUI Stops: What are my rights?”

    • “I want a lawyer: Miranda rights and when they apply”

    • “Top Ten South Carolina laws that everyone should know.”

    • “Send me a pic: The legal consequences of sharing nude photographs online.”

  2. Criminal Justice Reform Education Programs

    • “Five problems with South Carolina’s criminal justice system and five easy fixes.”

    • “Debtor’s Prison: What is cash bail and how does it impact the indigent accused?”

    • “Too poor? Too bad: Addressing the lack of legal representation for the indigent accused in South Carolina.”

    • “Tied Hands: Mandatory minimum sentencing laws in South Carolina and why they should be eliminated.”

    • “Slow Justice: What is a speedy trial and why does it not happen in South Carolina?”

    • “Trial by ambush: What are criminal discovery depositions and why do we need them in South Carolina?”

    • “Juror Gambling: What is attorney-led jury selection and why do we need it in South Carolina?”

    • “Trauma Porn: Preventing mental trauma associated with violent videos and news stories”

    • “Rubber Stamp Justice: How does the South Carolina grand jury work and what needs to change?”

    • “19 years in prison” - featuring Keith Smalls, SC4CJR Executive Board Member and Founder of My Community’s Mentor Group

    • “Bandaid Sentencing: Why our current prison system creates more problems than it solves.”

    • “The Ticket to Prison Pipeline: Driver’s License Suspensions and the dangers that follow.”

    • “The Color of Criminal Justice: Racial Disparities in our Criminal Justice System”

    • “Lawfully Killed: Why we need a use of force law in South Carolina”

    • “No-knock warrants: How do they work and are they legal in South Carolina?”

    • “Body Cams: South Carolina laws on police body cameras.”

    • “The Costs of Mass Incarceration in the United States.”

  3. Criminal Justice Book and Film Club

    1. Books

    2. Films

  4. Customized Education Programs

    Don’t see a program that fits your needs or interests? Let us know! Our team of legal experts and educators will develop a program that is customized to your audience’s needs. To request a customized program, contact us at Info@SC4CJR.org.